// Copyright 2015 Christian d'Heureuse, Inventec Informatik AG, Zurich, Switzerland // www.source-code.biz, www.inventec.ch/chdh // // This module is multi-licensed and may be used under the terms of any of the following licenses: // // LGPL, GNU Lesser General Public License, V2.1 or later, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html // EPL, Eclipse Public License, V1.0 or later, http://www.eclipse.org/legal // MIT License, https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT // Apache License, https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Please contact the author if you need another license. // This module is provided "as is", without warranties of any kind. // // Home page: http://www.source-code.biz/snippets/java/UsbIso package biz.source_code.usb; import com.sun.jna.LastErrorException; import com.sun.jna.Library; import com.sun.jna.Memory; import com.sun.jna.Native; import com.sun.jna.Pointer; import com.sun.jna.Structure; import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference; import com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** * An USB isochronous transfer controller. *

* This class is used to read and write from an isochronous endpoint of an USB device. * It uses JNA to access the USBFS API via IOCTL calls. * USBFS is available in the Linux kernel and can be accessed from an Android application. *

* This class is independent of Android and could also be used under other Linux based operating systems. *

* The following program logic may be used e.g. for reading the video data stream from an UVC compliant camera: *

*   ... set streaming parameters via control channel (SET_CUR VS_COMMIT_CONTROL, etc.) ...
*   usbIso.preallocateRequests(n);
*   usbIso.setInterface(interfaceId, altSetting);       // enable streaming
*   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {                    // submit initial transfer requests
*      Request req = usbIso.getRequest();
*      req.initialize(endpointAddr);
*      req.submit(); }
*   while (...) {                                       // streaming loop
*      Request req = usbIso.reapRequest(true);          // wait for next request completion
*      .. process received data ...
*      req.initialize(endpointAddr);                    // re-use the request
*      req.submit(); }                                  // re-submit the request
*   usbIso.setInterface(interfaceId, 0);                // disable streaming
*   usbIso.flushRequests();                             // remove pending requests

* Note that for e.g. an USB2 UVC camera, data packets arrive at a rate of 125 microseconds per packet. * This corresponds to 8000 packets per second. Each packet may contain up to 3072 bytes. * * @see USBFS * @see JNA * @see IOCTL */ public class UsbIso { // Note: The layout and size of the USBFS structures matches that of Linux Kernel 3.2 and 3.14 // for ARM 32 bit. For other environments (X86, 64 bit, future Linux kernels), it might be // necessary to adjust some values. private static final int usbSetIntSize = 8; // size of struct usbdevfs_setinterface private static final int USBDEVFS_URB_TYPE_ISO = 0; private static final int USBDEVFS_URB_ISO_ASAP = 2; // IOCTL function codes: private static final int USBDEVFS_SETINTERFACE = (2 << 30) | (usbSetIntSize << 16) | (0x55 << 8) | 4; private static final int USBDEVFS_SUBMITURB = (2 << 30) | (Urb.urbBaseSize << 16) | (0x55 << 8) | 10; private static final int USBDEVFS_DISCARDURB = (0 << 30) | (0 << 16) | (0x55 << 8) | 11; private static final int USBDEVFS_REAPURB = (1 << 30) | (Pointer.SIZE << 16) | (0x55 << 8) | 12; private static final int USBDEVFS_REAPURBNDELAY = (1 << 30) | (Pointer.SIZE << 16) | (0x55 << 8) | 13; private static final int USBDEVFS_CLEAR_HALT = (2 << 30) | (4 << 16) | (0x55 << 8) | 21; //--- Native data structures --------------------------------------------------- // This class is modeled after struct usbdevfs_urb in /include/linux/usbdevice_fs.h // At first I implemented the URB structure directly using com.sun.jna.Structure, but that was extremely slow. // Therefore byte offsets are now used to access the fields of the structure. private static class Urb { public static final int urbBaseSize = 44; // base size of native URB (without iso_frame_desc) in bytes private static final int packetDescSize = 12; // size of struct usbdevfs_iso_packet_desc private ByteBuffer urbBuf; private int urbBufAddr; private int maxPackets; public Urb (int maxPackets) { this.maxPackets = maxPackets; int urbSize = urbBaseSize + maxPackets * packetDescSize ; urbBuf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(urbSize); urbBuf.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); urbBufAddr = (int)Pointer.nativeValue(Native.getDirectBufferPointer(urbBuf)); } public int getNativeUrbAddr() { return urbBufAddr; } public void setType (int type) { urbBuf.put(0, (byte)type); } public void setEndpoint (int endpoint) { urbBuf.put(1, (byte)endpoint); } public void setStatus (int status) { urbBuf.putInt(4, status); } public int getStatus() { return urbBuf.getInt(4); } public void setFlags (int flags) { urbBuf.putInt(8, flags); } public void setBuffer (Pointer buffer) { urbBuf.putInt(12, (int)Pointer.nativeValue(buffer)); } public void setBufferLength (int bufferLength) { urbBuf.putInt(16, bufferLength); } public void setActualLength (int actualLength) { urbBuf.putInt(20, actualLength); } public void setStartFrame (int startFrame) { urbBuf.putInt(24, startFrame); } public void setNumberOfPackets (int numberOfPackets) { if (numberOfPackets < 0 || numberOfPackets > maxPackets) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } urbBuf.putInt(28, numberOfPackets); } public int getNumberOfPackets() { return urbBuf.getInt(28); } public void setErrorCount (int errorCount) { urbBuf.putInt(32, errorCount); } public void setSigNr (int signr) { // signal to be sent on completion, or 0 if none should be sent urbBuf.putInt(36, signr); } public void setUserContext (int userContext) { urbBuf.putInt(40, userContext); } public int getUserContext() { return urbBuf.getInt(40); } public static int getUserContext (Pointer urbBufPointer) { return urbBufPointer.getInt(40); } public void setPacketLength (int packetNo, int length) { if (packetNo < 0 || packetNo >= maxPackets) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } urbBuf.putInt(urbBaseSize + packetNo * packetDescSize, length); } public int getPacketLength (int packetNo) { if (packetNo < 0 || packetNo >= maxPackets) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } return urbBuf.getInt(urbBaseSize + packetNo * packetDescSize); } public void setPacketActualLength (int packetNo, int actualLength) { if (packetNo < 0 || packetNo >= maxPackets) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } urbBuf.putInt(urbBaseSize + packetNo * packetDescSize + 4, actualLength); } public int getPacketActualLength (int packetNo) { if (packetNo < 0 || packetNo >= maxPackets) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } return urbBuf.getInt(urbBaseSize + packetNo * packetDescSize + 4); } public void setPacketStatus (int packetNo, int status) { if (packetNo < 0 || packetNo >= maxPackets) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } urbBuf.putInt(urbBaseSize + packetNo * packetDescSize + 8, status); } public int getPacketStatus (int packetNo) { if (packetNo < 0 || packetNo >= maxPackets) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } return urbBuf.getInt(urbBaseSize + packetNo * packetDescSize + 8); }} // Modeled after struct usbdevfs_setinterface in /include/uapi/linux/udbdevice_fs.h. private static class Usbdevfs_setinterface extends Structure { public int interfaceId; public int altsetting; @Override protected List getFieldOrder () { return Arrays.asList( "interfaceId", "altsetting"); }} //--- Request object ----------------------------------------------------------- /** * This class represents an isochronous data transfer request that can be queued with the USB device driver. * One request object contains multiple data packets. * Multiple request objects may be queued at a time. *

* The sequence of actions on a Request object is typically: *

*   UsbIso.getRequest()
*   Request.initialize()
*   ... For output: Set packet data to be sent to device ...
*   Request.submit()
*   repeatedly:
*      UsbIso.reapRequest()
*      ... For input: Check status and process received packet data ...
*      ... For output: Check status ...
*      Request.initialize()
*      ... For output: Set packet data to be sent to device ...
*      Request.submit()
*/ public class Request { private boolean initialized; private boolean queued; private Urb urb; private int urbAddr; private Memory buffer; private int endpointAddr; private Request() { urb = new Urb(maxPacketsPerRequest); urbAddr = urb.getNativeUrbAddr(); int bufSize = maxPacketsPerRequest * maxPacketSize; buffer = new Memory(bufSize); urb.setUserContext(requests.size()); requests.add(this); } /** * Initializes this Request object for the next {@link #submit}. * For input, an initialized Request object can usually be submitted without change. * For output, data has to be copied into the packet data buffers before the Request object is submitted. * * @param endpointAddr * The address of an isochronous USB endpoint. * For Android, this is the value returned by UsbEndpoint.getAddress(). */ public void initialize (int endpointAddr) { if (queued) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } this.endpointAddr = endpointAddr; urb.setEndpoint(endpointAddr); urb.setType(USBDEVFS_URB_TYPE_ISO); urb.setFlags(USBDEVFS_URB_ISO_ASAP); urb.setBuffer(buffer); urb.setBufferLength((int)buffer.size()); urb.setActualLength(0); urb.setStartFrame(0); setPacketCount(maxPacketsPerRequest); urb.setErrorCount(0); urb.setSigNr(0); urb.setStatus(-1); for (int packetNo = 0; packetNo < maxPacketsPerRequest; packetNo++) { urb.setPacketLength(packetNo, maxPacketSize); urb.setPacketActualLength(packetNo, 0); urb.setPacketStatus(packetNo, -1); } initialized = true; } /** * Submits this request to the USB device driver. * The request is added to the queue of active requests. */ public void submit() throws IOException { if (!initialized || queued) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } initialized = false; int rc = libc.ioctl(fileDescriptor, USBDEVFS_SUBMITURB, urbAddr); if (rc != 0) { throw new IOException("ioctl(USBDEVFS_SUBMITURB) failed, rc=" + rc + "."); } queued = true; } /** * Cancels a queued request. * The request remains within the queue amd must be removed from the queue by calling {@link UsbIso#reapRequest}. */ public void cancel() throws IOException { int rc; try { rc = libc.ioctl(fileDescriptor, USBDEVFS_DISCARDURB, urbAddr); } catch (LastErrorException e) { if (e.getErrorCode() == EINVAL) { // This happens if the request has already completed. return; } throw e; } if (rc != 0) { throw new IOException("ioctl(USBDEVFS_DISCARDURB) failed, rc=" + rc); }} /** * Returns the endpoint address associated with this request. */ public int getEndpointAddr() { return endpointAddr; } /** * May be used to modify the packet count. * The default packet count is maxPacketsPerRequest (see UsbIso constructor). */ public void setPacketCount(int n) { if (n < 1 || n > maxPacketsPerRequest) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } urb.setNumberOfPackets(n); } /** * Returns the packet count of this request. */ public int getPacketCount() { return urb.getNumberOfPackets(); } /** * Returns the completion status code of a packet. * For normal completion the status is 0. */ public int getPacketStatus (int packetNo) { return urb.getPacketStatus(packetNo); } /** * May be used to modify the length of data to request for the packet. * The default packet length is maxPacketSize (see UsbIso constructor). */ public void setPacketLength (int packetNo, int length) { if (length < 0 || length > maxPacketSize) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } urb.setPacketLength(packetNo, length); } /** * Returns the amount of data that was actually transferred for the packet. * When reading, this is the number of data bytes received from the device. */ public int getPacketActualLength (int packetNo) { return urb.getPacketActualLength(packetNo); } /** * Used to provide data to be sent to the device. */ public void setPacketData (int packetNo, byte[] buf, int len) { if (packetNo < 0 || packetNo >= maxPacketsPerRequest || len > maxPacketSize) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } buffer.write(packetNo * maxPacketSize, buf, 0, len); } /** * Used to retrieve data that has been received from the device. */ public void getPacketData (int packetNo, byte[] buf, int len) { if (packetNo < 0 || packetNo >= maxPacketsPerRequest || len > maxPacketSize) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } buffer.read(packetNo * maxPacketSize, buf, 0, len); }} //--- Main logic --------------------------------------------------------------- private int fileDescriptor; private ArrayList requests = new ArrayList(); private int maxPacketsPerRequest; private int maxPacketSize; /** * Creates an isochronous transfer controller instance. *

* The size of the data buffer allocated for each Request object is * maxPacketsPerRequest * maxPacketSize. * * @param fileDescriptor * For Android, this is the value returned by UsbDeviceConnection.getFileDescriptor(). * @param maxPacketsPerRequest * The maximum number of packets per request. * @param maxPacketSize * The maximum packet size. */ public UsbIso (int fileDescriptor, int maxPacketsPerRequest, int maxPacketSize) { staticInit(); this.fileDescriptor = fileDescriptor; this.maxPacketsPerRequest = maxPacketsPerRequest; this.maxPacketSize = maxPacketSize; } /** * Pre-allocates n {@link Request} objects with their associated buffer space. *

* The UsbIso class maintains an internal pool of Request objects. * Each Request object has native buffer space associated with it. * The purpose of this method is to save some execution time between the instant when * {@link #setInterface} is called to enable streaming, and the instant when {@link #reapRequest} * is called to receive the first data packet. * * @param n * The minimum number of internal Request objects to be pre-allocated. */ public void preallocateRequests (int n) { while (requests.size() < n) { new Request(); }} /** * Releases all resources associated with this class. * This method calls {@link #flushRequests} to cancel all pending requests. */ public void dispose() throws IOException { try { flushRequests(); } catch (LastErrorException e) { if (e.getErrorCode() != ENODEV) { // This happens when the device has been disconnected. throw e; }}} /** * Cancels all pending requests and removes all requests from the queue of the USB device driver. */ public void flushRequests() throws IOException { cancelAllRequests(); discardAllPendingRequests(); int queuedRequests = countQueuedRequests(); if (queuedRequests > 0) { throw new IOException("The number of queued requests after flushRequests() is " + queuedRequests + "."); }} private void cancelAllRequests() throws IOException { for (Request req : requests) { if (req.queued) { req.cancel(); }}} /** * Sends a SET_INTERFACE command to the USB device. *

* Starting with Android 5.0, UsbDeviceConnection.setInterface() could be used instead. * * @param interfaceId * The interface ID. * For Android, this is the value returned by UsbInterface.getId(). * @param altSetting * The alternate setting number. The value 0 is used to stop streaming. * For Android, this is the value returned by UsbInterface.getAlternateSetting() (only available since Android 5.0). * You may use lsusb -v -d xxxx:xxxx to find the alternate settings available for your USB device. */ public void setInterface (int interfaceId, int altSetting) throws IOException { Usbdevfs_setinterface p = new Usbdevfs_setinterface(); p.interfaceId = interfaceId; p.altsetting = altSetting; p.write(); int rc = libc.ioctl(fileDescriptor, USBDEVFS_SETINTERFACE, p.getPointer()); if (rc != 0) { throw new IOException("ioctl(USBDEVFS_SETINTERFACE) failed, rc=" + rc + "."); }} /** * Returns an inactive Request object that can be submitted to the device driver. *

* The UsbIso class maintains an internal pool of all it's Request objects. * If the pool contains a Request object which is not in the request queue of the * USB device driver, that Request object is returned. * Otherwise a new Request object is created and returned. *

* The returned Request object must be initialized by calling {@link Request#initialize} and * can then be submitted by calling {@link Request#submit}. */ public Request getRequest() { for (Request req : requests) { if (!req.queued) { return req; }} return new Request(); } /** * Returns a completed request. *

* A Request object returned by this method has been removed from the queue and can be re-used by calling {@link Request#initialize} and {@link Request#submit}. * * @param wait * true to wait until a completed request is available. false to return immediately when no * completed request is available. * @return * A Request object representing a completed request, or null if * wait is false and no completed request is available at the time. */ public Request reapRequest (boolean wait) throws IOException { PointerByReference urbPointer = new PointerByReference(); int func = wait ? USBDEVFS_REAPURB : USBDEVFS_REAPURBNDELAY; int rc; try { rc = libc.ioctl(fileDescriptor, func, urbPointer); } catch (LastErrorException e) { if (e.getErrorCode() == EAGAIN && !wait) { return null; } throw e; } if (rc != 0) { throw new IOException("ioctl(USBDEVFS_REAPURB*) failed, rc=" + rc + "."); } int urbNdx = Urb.getUserContext(urbPointer.getValue()); if (urbNdx < 0 || urbNdx >= requests.size()) { throw new IOException("URB.userContext returned by ioctl(USBDEVFS_REAPURB*) is out of range."); } Request req = requests.get(urbNdx); if (req.urbAddr != Pointer.nativeValue(urbPointer.getValue())) { throw new IOException("Address of URB returned by ioctl(USBDEVFS_REAPURB*) does not match."); } if (!req.queued) { throw new IOException("URB returned by ioctl(USBDEVFS_REAPURB*) was not queued."); } req.queued = false; req.initialized = false; return req; } private void discardAllPendingRequests() throws IOException { if (requests.size() == 0) { // bypass if we have never allocated any request return; } // to prevent errors when the USB device has been accessed by another method (e.g. using android.hardware.usb.UsbRequest) while (reapRequest(false) != null) {}} private int countQueuedRequests() { int ctr = 0; for (Request req : requests) { if (req.queued) { ctr++; }} return ctr; } //--- Static parts ------------------------------------------------------------- private static final int EAGAIN = 11; private static final int ENODEV = 19; private static final int EINVAL = 22; private static interface Libc extends Library { // unistd.h int ioctl(int fileHandle, int request, PointerByReference p) throws LastErrorException; int ioctl(int fileHandle, int request, Pointer p) throws LastErrorException; int ioctl(int fileHandle, int request, int i) throws LastErrorException; } private static Libc libc; private static boolean staticInitDone; private static synchronized void staticInit() { if (staticInitDone) { return; } if (new Usbdevfs_setinterface().size() != usbSetIntSize) { throw new RuntimeException("Value of usbSetIntSize constant does not match structure size."); } libc = (Libc)Native.loadLibrary("c", Libc.class); staticInitDone = true; } } // end class UsbIso